Friday, December 19, 2008

God's Best Gifts

Sometimes we just forgot about them.

In our daily activities, doing work, routines, heavy, mind-challenging tasks and what-not, we just forgot about things that God has provided for us.

The sunshine, the air that we breath, the trees of green, skies of blue, and red roses too, the wonderful world :-)

Only rarely, and maybe also shortly, we got reminded about them. Our God gaven gifts.

Today, I got reminded on few of the best gifts of them all.

My families and friends and teachers. Their pray and support for me. The ones who helps and contributes and teaches me everything I have become good of in life. The one who loves and cares aboout me. My loved ones.

Herewith, please allow me to Thank You All.

Although I learned that there can never be enough thanks or anything that I could ever do to repay them all. I'll always try to do my best and hope that I could also do the same to those who needs me. Paying it forward, they say.

I hope that you all would never stop your support for me. I know I could be stupid, arrogant, and in-sensitives at times. I really really, really, am sorry for those moments.

In and through out my life, your care and supports have always helped me to get back on my feet.

You are all the best.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Life : Filed the letter

Let's see what will be.

Nevertheless, I always believe that God has always decide for the best of me.

Monday, December 01, 2008

To mankind

After being foolish, arrogant, and stupid few times in the past, I tried to avoid explicit religious statements on public media.

So with deep humble and full of ashame and sincerity, I would like to ask for an exception this time.

I'm a muslim/moslem.
I am so due of inheritance from my parents.

I am more so now through years of learning and understanding of Islam principles. My _own_ understanding of them, I should say so. Understandings that I prayed to be aligned with what taught by prophet Muhammad himself. Although still, there may be differences due to my own lack of knowledge and foolishness.

In light of this background I would like to state that I condemned _any_ terrorist actions. I did not, do not, and will not approved any such actions conducted by anyone with any religions.

I'm so sorry for those who has been forced-fully became the victims of terrorists or terror acts. My pray and sympathy for you. Deep condolences also for the relatives and families left behind.

I will not expect an ideal and peaceful world anytime soon. But I do pray that we'd all became a better person day after day.